Let’s Talk

Contact Us

Operating Hours

Mon - Fri: 10am-10pm
​​Saturday: 9am - 9pm
Sunday 12pm-8pm  ​

Email Address


Phone Numbers

Office: 941-500-9821
Cell: 863-34-20239

Get Involved

Interested in being part of the team? We can help you become your very own Colubrid King. Contact us for more information in becoming part of our network.


A major part of our program focuses on the rescue, rehabilitation, and re-homing of unwanted pets. If you or anyone you know needs to part with their pet, we can take them in for adoption and help them find a new home that will love and care for your pet. We evaluate each person before adoption to ensure your unwanted pet goes to the right home. You may also consider supporting our organization financially by donating so we may be able to provide the best continual care to our slithery friends.

As we are in progress of adding more convenient ways of payment

here are our options to donate to the Colubrid Kings.

@ColubridKings via Venmo 

paypal.me/ColubridKingsvia Pay Pal 

$ColubridKings via CashApp

Tell a Friend

Interested in being part of the team? We can help you become your very own Colubrid King. Contact us for more informat

Tell us what we can do to improve and be sure to share us with a friend

for more info and feedback or to join our network please email us at: colubridkings@gmail.com


Join a Trip

Join us on a trip as we set up Field Herping excursions to various places throughout the state of Florida to explore snakes and wildlife in their natural habitats.

Become a Breeder

Become part of our apprenticeship program. In this program we mentor and train you to become one of the breeders within the Colubrid King's network. This program will teach you everything you need to know and it takes to become your very own Colubrid King breeder, the legal way.

Travel with Us

Come ride along with us and learn the ins and outs of reptile expos throughout the state of Florida as you gain hands on experience, while becoming your very own Snake King.

Join the Network

Have your business featured on our network page of trusted organizations and individuals to help support one another in the reptile community.

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